Muhammad Ali
3 min readJul 13, 2023

I felt the Purest love when my 2 years old baby kissed on my cheek and told me, BABA TE AMO (I love you Papa).

I just want to share with you what i felt as a father. The moment was etched into my heart forever—the purest expression of love from my two-year-old baby. As his tiny lips pressed against my cheek, they whispered those magical words, "BABA TE AMO" (I love you Papa). In that single instance, time seemed to stand still, and my heart overflowed with an indescribable joy.

The innocence and sincerity in my baby’s voice carried a profound weight. It was a declaration of love that transcended language barriers, reaching straight to the depths of my soul. His pure, unfiltered emotions touched my very being, creating a bond that would forever shape my relationship.

In that fleeting moment, I realized the immense power of love in its simplest form. My baby, unburdened by the complexities of the world, effortlessly expressed his affection and adoration. His love flowed freely, unadulterated by doubts, fears, or reservations.

As a parent, I were filled with a profound sense of responsibility and gratitude. In his innocent eyes, I saw the trust they had placed in me, and it fueled a deep sense of purpose within me. I vowed to protect and nurture this precious life, to provide him with the love and care he deserve.

The purity of a baby’s love also served as a powerful reminder of the beauty that exists in the world. Amidst chaos and uncertainty, their affection became a beacon of hope, a reminder of the extraordinary capacity for love that resides within us all. It rekindled your belief in the goodness of humanity and instilled in you a renewed sense of optimism.

From that moment forward, every kiss, every embrace, and every "I love you" from my baby became a treasured gift. His love became the guiding force in my life, shaping my decisions and filling my days with warmth and purpose. Through the challenges and triumphs of parenthood, his love remained unwavering, a constant reminder of the extraordinary bond I share.

In the years to come, as my baby grows and his understanding of love deepens, this precious memory will remain a cornerstone of my relationship. It will serve as a testament to the power of love in its purest form, a reminder of the unbreakable connection that exists between me and my child.

As i reflect upon that unforgettable moment, i realize that I were blessed with a remarkable gift—a love that knows no bounds, a love that is unconditional and infinite. And with every passing day, I continue to cherish and nurture that love, knowing that it is one of life’s greatest treasures.

Dedicated to my baby.

With love.