Muhammad Ali
4 min readJul 6, 2023

Things we can learn from childen to be happy.

Happiness is a pursuit that occupies the minds and hearts of individuals across the globe. People often seek out complex strategies and solutions to find happiness in their lives, yet they may overlook a valuable source of wisdom right in front of them: children. Children possess innate qualities and perspectives that can teach us important lessons about finding and maintaining happiness. In this article, we will explore various aspects of children’s lives and highlight the lessons they can teach us, enabling us to rediscover the simple joys and contentment that lie within us.

Embracing the Present Moment: Children excel at living in the present moment. They are fully engaged in whatever they are doing, whether it is playing, exploring, or learning. Unlike adults who often dwell on past regrets or worry about the future, children remind us of the importance of embracing the present. By learning to be fully present and appreciative of each moment, we can experience greater happiness and fulfillment in our lives.

Unconditional Love and Acceptance: Children possess a remarkable capacity for unconditional love and acceptance. They do not judge others based on external factors, but rather accept people as they are. Children teach us the value of embracing diversity, accepting others without prejudice, and cultivating compassion and empathy. By adopting these childlike qualities, we can enhance our relationships, promote inclusivity, and create a more harmonious society.

Curiosity and Wonder: Children are naturally curious about the world around them. They approach life with a sense of wonder, asking endless questions and exploring with enthusiasm. This curiosity fosters a sense of excitement and openness to new experiences. By nurturing our own curiosity, we can cultivate a lifelong love for learning, discover new passions, and continuously grow as individuals, leading to a more fulfilling and joyful existence.

Authenticity and Self-Expression: Children are unapologetically themselves. They express their emotions freely, laugh without inhibition, and show genuine enthusiasm for the things they love. As we grow older, societal expectations and the fear of judgment often dampen our authenticity. Children remind us to reconnect with our true selves, to express our emotions openly, and to pursue activities that bring us joy without fear of judgment. By embracing our authenticity, we can lead happier and more authentic lives.

Resilience and Perseverance: Children encounter countless obstacles as they grow and learn, but they possess an inherent resilience that allows them to bounce back quickly. They exhibit unwavering determination in their pursuit of goals and dreams. Children teach us the importance of resilience, reminding us that setbacks are temporary and that we can overcome challenges with perseverance and a positive attitude. By adopting this childlike resilience, we can navigate life's hurdles with greater strength and resilience, leading to a more fulfilling and optimistic outlook.

Playfulness and Laughter: Children epitomize playfulness and find joy in the simplest of activities. They laugh wholeheartedly and engage in imaginative play without inhibition. Embracing our inner child and allowing ourselves to play and laugh freely can reduce stress, boost creativity, and enhance overall well-being. By incorporating playfulness into our lives, we can experience increased happiness, improved relationships, and a lighter perspective on life's challenges.

Forgiveness and Letting Go: Children possess a natural ability to forgive and let go of grudges. They may argue or disagree one moment, but soon after, they are back to playing and laughing together. Children teach us the power of forgiveness and the importance of not holding onto negative emotions. By practicing forgiveness and letting go of past hurts, we can experience emotional freedom, cultivate healthier relationships, and find greater peace within ourselves.

Appreciation for the Simple Pleasures: Children find joy in thesimplest of things—a colorful sunset, a gentle breeze, a playful puppy. They remind us to appreciate and savor the small pleasures that life offers us every day. By cultivating a sense of gratitude and focusing on the simple joys, we can shift our perspective towards a more positive and contented outlook, leading to increased happiness and fulfillment.

Fearlessness and Taking Risks: Children are often fearless in their pursuits. They approach new experiences with excitement, unburdened by the fear of failure or rejection. Children teach us the importance of taking risks, stepping out of our comfort zones, and embracing opportunities for growth. By overcoming our fears and embracing a mindset of exploration and adventure, we can expand our horizons, discover new passions, and live a life rich in experiences and fulfillment.

Living in Harmony with Nature: Children have an innate connection with nature. They find wonder in the simplest elements of the natural world and feel a sense of belonging in its presence. Children teach us the importance of reconnecting with nature, appreciating its beauty, and living in harmony with the environment. By spending time in nature, we can reduce stress, improve our mental well-being, and cultivate a deeper sense of connection to the world around us.

Conclusion: In our relentless pursuit of happiness, we often overlook the valuable lessons that children can teach us. By observing and embracing their qualities of presence, love, curiosity, authenticity, resilience, playfulness, forgiveness, appreciation, fearlessness, and harmony with nature, we can rediscover the keys to happiness that lie within us. By integrating these childlike qualities into our lives, we can experience greater joy, fulfillment, and overall well-being. Let us learn from the wisdom of children and embrace the simplicity, authenticity, and boundless potential that they embody, leading us on a path to lasting happiness.